德國 Quaneo 總公司研發團隊本著初心 不斷的尋找這大地具有高能量及高抗氧化的食材 並且研究一定比例的配方 目的就是希望能將產品再提升 進而帶給人類身體健康所需物質

Mana 的研發是演自於1993年以 OMP 理念開始研發人體細胞完整營養素 24年期間帶領團隊遵循著 Mana 這存在大自然裏頭的神秘力量 遍尋大地孕育著高能量 高抗氧化的食材做研發基礎 如今產品已來到第三代(Mana )

研發期間加入的生力軍有卡羅拉.德魯斯(生於1985年)這位在德國漢諾威醫科大學和漢堡大學醫院主修實習人類醫學 專業領域:內科 皮膚科 美容醫學 靜脈疾病治療 對健康和美學做一連結 也是 Mana 誕生的大功臣之一 如今擔任 Quaneo 公司的科學顧問

馬克.博克是 Quaneo 公司開發部總經理曾是位專業運動員健身及私人教練會成為公司一員是因為他深知運動期間身體承受著氧化壓力如果沒有能夠瞬間吸收且足夠細胞營養以及高抗氧化產品是很難維護好運動後身體的一個平衡所以當他遇見 Mana 他説他不可能軽易讓這21世紀具有神奇力量的產品失之交臂如今是 馬克 將 Mana 推向世界各國包括台灣。

Mana 的誕生 將帶給全人類在營養補充食品上又一驚豔 所有想追求健康 延遲老化 日日充滿能量的人 每天必喝的全方位細胞營養素

亞洲地區目前的空氣污染環境急速的惡化,造成我們的食安問題日益嚴重,使得營養素的攝取與 20~30 前有很大的差異。也因營養素攝取不足,使得身體老化的警訊提早出現。德國 Quaneo 總公司研發團隊,經過長時間的研究發現,我們必需找出更好的抗氧化劑來保護我們的身體對抗氧化的能力。因此,不斷的尋找具有高能量及高抗氧的食材,研究對人體更完善的配方,目的就是希望能將產品再提升,讓人體所需的營養物質完整的傳送到身體所需器官,進而提升人類身體健康。

也有鑑於人類對營養食品的強烈需求,Quaneo 總公司主張推廣高品質且平民化的價格的營養食品攻應市場需要,強調人人有追求健康身體的能力,Mana 產品因應而生。

The R&D team of Quaneo, headquartered in Germany, is constantly searching for suitable ingredients to include in their formulas. The purpose is to improve the products and to make them provide the necessary nutrition to the consumers.

The development of Mana is based on the concept of O.M.P. from 1993 that considers the development of complete nutrients for human cells. So, 24 years ago, our team started its journey to research the best ingredients that can be found in nature to put into our products, based on the O.M.P. concept.

Based on these ideas, the  Mana  products are now in their third generation.

Ever since Carola Drews (born 1985) joined as a scientific consultant for Quaneo, the products have made an even greater improvement. Her medical education at the Medical University of Hannover and Hamburg University Hospital with focus on internal medicine, dermatology, aesthetic medicine and intravenous disease treatment, has allowed her to provide valuable insights into the research and development of the Mana products.

Mark Boecker is the general manager of Quaneo. He has an athletic background with strong roots as a fitness and personal trainer. Therefore, he knows that the body is subjected to oxidative stress during exercise. If there is no instant absorption and sufficient cellular nutrition and high antioxidant products, it becomes challenging for the body to maintain a good balance after exercise.

Our  Mana products help consumers in their pursuit of a healthier and well-balanced life.

Currently, our environment is changing quickly and with increasing pollution, causing issues with food security, nutritional value of our food is very different before. Due to insufficient nutrient intake, our bodies face stresses that may lead to ageing.

The R&D team of Quaneo discovered after a long period of research that we must find better antioxidants to help our body's ability to fight oxidation. Therefore, we are constantly looking for ingredients that help with this. The purpose is to improve our products and make sure our bodies can absorb these nutrients, thereby helping to provide health and wellbeing. Therefore, Quaneo advocates the promotion of high-quality and fairly priced nutritional supplements to meet market needs, and emphasizes that everyone has the ability to pursue health and wellbeing. This philosophy is the basis of our Mana  products.


Quaneo GmbH 的總經理。



為 Quaneo 公司設立的目標。

1. 將產品引入世界。




Marko Boecker

General Manager of Quaneo GmbH.

Having an athletic background, Marko has been a nutritional consultant, fitness and personal trainer for many years.

His vision set for Quaneo includes the following.

1. Introduce its products to the world.

2. Help bring customers closer to health and wellbeing.

3. Constantly innovate its products.

4. Having the highest quality standards, continuously improving the products.





對健康和美學方面的營養的興趣已經存在多年,作為 Quaneo 公司的科學顧問,協助公司諮詢和開發。

Carola Drews

Dr. Carola Drews was born in 1985.

She studied human medicine at Hannover Medical University and Hamburg University Hospital in Germany.

Her specialized medical fields include: internal medicine, dermatology, aesthetic medicine, laser medicine and venous disease treatment.

She has been interested in nutrition, health and aesthetics for many years, and has been the scientific consultant of Quaneo company, assisting the company in research and development.

今天跟大家分享我們新一代的Mana Rest 修護素,我們知道礦物質是非常難吸收的所以我們選擇


我們新一代的Mana Rest 吧鈉離子排除掉了,因為高鈉離子是現代人健康的殺手,


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