
免疫系統要做得好就要提供足夠的材料來做抗體跟免疫系統所需要的相關的一些化學物質,這些東西都是蛋白質之類的食物 !!!

要組成細胞能用的蛋白質必須把食物裡面的蛋白質分解成 基酸,在這個時候靠著用消化系統要把蛋白質分解成 基酸 !!! 在正常飲食狀況下需要五個鐘頭、現在大多數的人在忙碌的一天當中吃飯的時間都很短,一餐大概要15分鐘就結束了,在這個狀況下蛋白質是沒有辦法分解成 基酸!!!

身體在缺乏 基酸的狀態下就沒有辦法製造足夠的免疫細胞和抗體應付冠狀病毒會攻擊 !!!

 Mana 基酸已經不需要消化系統的分解,細胞可以直接拿來用了,這樣可以快速的提升我們的免疫系統和抗體來對抗病毒 !!!


Currently, with pollution and diseases increasing, the most important food should be proteins.

If the immune system is to perform at its best, the body must be provided enough materials to make antibodies. Proteins make up an essential building block in this process.

To make proteins usable for the body, our body has to break down the components to amino acids, which are the smallest component of proteins. Our cells can only use amino acids as fuel. This process usually takes 5 hours.

If there is low concentrations of amino acids in the body, the production of immune cells may suffer and there may not be enough production of antibodies to cope with outside influences, including viruses.

Mana amino acid do not need to go through the digestive system, which can enhance the immune system quickly.






How to treat autoimmune hepatitis?

Autoimmune hepatitis is an autoimmune disease. When the body detects a virus or foreign matter, it will activate the body's own defense mechanism and send out immune cells to solve the problem. Autoimmune hepatitis occurs because this mechanism is abnormal.

The best way to avoid autoimmune hepatitis is to keep the immune system in a balanced state. Following a normal schedule, including sleeping schedule, having a balanced diet and eat less processed foods and daily exercise are crucial.

Furthermore, antibacterial remedies including turmeric and Hu black pepper extract can be beneficial to the immune system. This is the reason why in our V-Tribe products, we include high quality ingredients such as turmeric and black pepper extract.

德國顧問說明 Mana 能量果汁組與市售營養素補充品之差異


這組來自德國的能量果汁組合,強調系統性整合近 30 種全方位營養素群,能促進身體進行完整的新陳代謝與細胞修復,【本產品針對血液循環、消化系統及細胞修復近 30 種左右的複方(註1)營養素作條配組合,可同時取代市售單一或少量複方營養素群】,這是本產品與市面上現有產品最大差異之處,也是最有競爭力的優勢之一。



另外,本產品中包含氨基酸,而一般市售胺基酸會泛稱為蛋白質,因為蛋白質經過消化系統約4小時左右會先分解成肽,再經過1小時左右才會分解成胺基酸(微分子),其功用是營養素的催化劑,負責讓營養素進入細胞燃燒並供給能量後,再將產生的廢物從細胞內代謝出來,所以,當食物中的蛋白質因消化系統能量不夠而未分解成足量的胺基酸,此時再補充營養素,僅能讓其吸收及利用率最多達到10~15%,這也是為何人體從年輕開始,進食到體內的蛋白質並未在消化系統中分解成足量的氨基酸(註7),令體內細胞將補充的營養素做有效率的吸收與利用,經年累月下,就導致 40 或 50 歲時,會不斷產生疾病的原因之一。


註1:Vita ,Balance , Rest ,這3種營養素均針對相應之身體系統,各別提供10幾種相關營養素。









《德國 顧問分享營養學知識》

原文如下 :









薑黃素的重要性,薑黃素能夠在細胞裡面刺激細胞分泌高抗氧化劑SOD來保護 細胞裡面的基因不要病變,SOD也可以修復受損的基因,薑黃素非常容易給肝臟代謝掉,為了提高薑黃素的生物利用性產品加了黑胡椒萃取物這樣的搭配可以提高20倍的功能,我們的細胞就足夠有SOD高抗氧化劑來保護

Due to poor eating habits [Note 1] and abnormal work and rest [Note 2] in daily life of modern people, the body must consume too much energy to supply the digestive system [Note 3] and digest food that has not been chewed sufficiently. If energy is insufficient, food cannot be completely digested into tiny molecules [Note 4] for the body to fully absorb, causing the body to consume too much energy, but can only absorb about 20% of the nutrients, and finally 80% of the incompletely digested food becomes feces and excreted. I think that eating healthy or eating a lot of healthy food [Note 5] is the same. At most, the deterioration rate is slightly slowed down because the digestive system still consumes a lot of energy to digest food. For the above reasons, Germany, as early as 20 years ago, committed to research and development to micromolecules, the nutrients in food. This is equivalent to the human body digesting food into the smallest unit of nutrients, which is convenient for the human body to quickly absorb, so that the human body does not consume too much energy in the digestive system.


Note 1: Poor eating habits refers to not chewing adequately, meaning that during the chewing process, not enough saliva is produced, which could lead to inadequate digestion, as well as eating too much sugar, fried food, etc.

Note 2: Abnormal work and rest: Going to bed after 11 o'clock in the evening can be not ideal as the liver metabolizes and excretes toxins from 11 o'clock in the evening to 2 o'clock in the morning. If you go to bed beyond this time for long periods of times, it will slow down the metabolism of the liver. The long-term accumulated damage should not be underestimated.

Note 3: The body consumes more energy to encourage the stomach to produce a lot of gastric acid to digest food.

Note 4: Such as essential amino acids.

Note 5: Such as capsules or non-micromolecular health Foods.


B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12

每一種都有其特定營養作用 同時必須相互作用 才能完成維持身體正常運作

. 好比藍球必須每位成員發揮團隊精神 合作無間 其效果才會加乘.


1. 血壓 血脂 血糖值不穏定

2. 神經炎 神經痛

3. 口角炎 舌炎 潰瘍

4. 膀胱炎 子宮頸靡爛

5. 皮膚病 皮膚老化

6. 免疫系統受損 易過敏

7. 貧血 倦怠

8. 頭暈 頭痛 偏頭痛

9. 精神恍惚 憂鬱

10.焦燥 易怒 情緒不穩

11.記憶力 學習力 集中力衰退

12. 妊娠噁心 嘔吐

13. 生長遲緩 吸收不良

14. 食慾不振 體弱多病

15. 禿頭 掉髪 指甲易斷


Complete water-soluble B complex:

B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12

Each has its specific nutritional effects and must interact to maintain normal body functions. For example, in basketball, each member must play with the team spirit and cooperate seamlessly, so that the team can work effectively.

Symptoms of Lack of B vitamins:

1. Blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar levels are not stable

2. Neuralgia

3. Angular cheilitis glossitis ulcer

4. Cystitis, cervix malaise

5. Aging of skin

6. Immune system is impaired, including allergies

7. Anemia burnout

8. Dizziness, headache, migraine

9. Trance and melancholy

10. Anxiety, irritability, emotional instability

11. Decline in memory, learning and concentration

12. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

13. Growth retardation and malabsorption

14. Loss of appetite and nausea

15. Balding and sensitive nails

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